ASIAN FILMS ARE GO!!! 2002 (1st New York Asian Film Festival)


April 26-May 2, 2002 at Anthology Film Archives

Hollywood has failed us. Instead of movies they've given us marketing campaigns. Horror movies are boring, action movies are loud and irritating, romances are tired, comedies are stale. Why can't we just see a good movie anymore? Wait! What's that on the horizon? Films from Asian countries flying to our rescue like giant, friendly birds. They have come to bring us peace and love! And water buffalo! And singing terrorists! And giant, rocket-propelled, atomic turtles! Wiggling their booty in Hollywood's face, shaking their tailfeathers and daring you — the hungry, the bored, the oppressed — to catch up with them. These are the blockbusters that Hollywood forgot to make this year. And there's only one place in New York to find them....ASIAN FILMS ARE GO!!! Someone else can show the art movies, Subway Cinema wants to clear the landing pads for the blockbusters, and here they come. Korean, Thai, Chinese, and Japanese audiences want the same thing from their movies that we do: entertainment. And thousands of them flocked to these movies. Each of these flicks is a propulsive pop masterpiece, designed to seek out your pleasure centers and stimulate them without mercy.

Legendary Japanese maniac, Suzuki Seijun, returns to the screen with his first film in ten years, the full-bleed, super-saturated PISTOL OPERA. Korea offers up its two biggest comedies ever released: MY SASSY GIRL and KICK THE MOON. Thundering out of the jungle like a herd of highly-trained attack buffalo, Thailand's all-time blockbuster, BANG RAJAN, will roar off the screen like the meatiest medieval epic you've never seen. VISITOR Q, has oozed out of director Takashi Miike's brain and is making the floors all sticky. Japan's giant monster movies are reinvented from the ground up with GAMERA 2 & 3, flicks that dare you to take a giant, flying turtle seriously. And if you liked Monsoon Wedding, come and see the real thing: Indian musicals don't get any better than DIL SE.  Every single film is a propulsive pop masterpiece designed to seek out your pleasure centers and stimulate them without mercy. All these films are GO!!!

BANG RAJAN (Thailand, 2001)
PISTOL OPERA (Japan, 2001)
MY SASSY GIRL (South Korea, 2001)
VISITOR Q (Japan, 2001)
DIL SE (India, 1998)
GAMERA 2 (Japan, 1996)
GAMERA 3 (Japan, 1999)
COMEUPPANCE (Hong Kong, 2000)
JIANG HU – THE TRIAD ZONE (Hong Kong, 2000)
KICK THE MOON (South Korea, 2001)
ONE FINE SPRING DAY (South Korea, 2001)
FREEZE ME (Japan, 2000)

Extreme Noise Terror (The Village Voice, April 23, 2002)


Miike Mania!


SHIRI - U.S. Theatrical Premiere