SELL OUT! (Malaysia, 2008)
Directed by: Yeo Joon Han
Featuring: Peter Davis, Jerrica Lai
Locked away in distributor hell for the last three years, shelved by the faceless money men behind it, not even available on DVD, we are proud to help spring from movie jail the world’s most awesome sing-along, corporate culture satire and all-out musical attack on capitalism from Malaysia. If you’ve ever worked in a cubicle on the 33rd floor of some faceless monolithic corporation, if you’ve ever had to swallow your principles to get a promotion at a job you don’t actually care about, if your bosses have ever taken you to an exorcist to remove the creative part of your personality because it’s getting in the way of your work, then Yeo Joon Han’s SELL OUT is for you.
We begin with Rafflesia Pong (Jerrica Lai), host of the low-rated arts show “For Arts Sake,” doing a profile of Yeo Joon Han, a Malaysian film director whose short video recently won the Kryzhindangzhongbushaus Village Far Eastern Film Festival’s Young Oversea-Chinese Women New Director’s Honorary Mention Award. Yeo defends pointless, navel-gazing Malaysian art films and then declares that anyone who makes a musical should be “chopped into 18 pieces!” Suddenly, everyone gets killed in a shoot-out and SELL OUT takes off. Rafflesia accidentally films an on-camera death and the high ratings convince her bosses that the next big thing is people dying onscreen. But who knows exactly when they’re going to die? Suicides! Enter: Eric. A low level employee at a giant corporation, he’s invented the 8-in-1 Soy Bean Machine, but committed the cardinal sin of not ensuring that it breaks immediately after the warranty expires. His bosses are furious and Eric is ready to kill himself. Perfect!
There’s nothing on earth quite like Malaysia’s English-speaking (Manglish, it’s called) corporate culture and SELL OUT nukes it hard with bosses ordering half-English employees to only speak “full-English,” and songs like “It’s Lonely at the Top” and “Money” (sample lyric: “Money, why don’t you like poor people?/Is it the way that we dress/Or our lack of success…”). If you’ve ever wanted to smash your computer, kick over your cubicle and push your boss out a window, SELL OUT is the anthem for your workplace revolution.